Omy..its been ages since i last update my blog here:)..well,2009 already trails its history and now we gotta face 2010 without knowing how is it gonna be *sigh*.Hehe since dis is my first blogging for year 2010 so lets recall again how i undergo 2009 itself.
January09~nuthing special happened..hehe
February09~valentine's day,flowers and dinner treated
March09~celebrated son's birthday
April09~Started saving money?~i dun knoe why my duit tia pandai jadi2 bukit until now:(
May09~Met dad at the airport and he kept complaining about how skinny i am:(
June09~Geee my bday!
July09~Hubby turned 25th
August09~My first day at office was clumsy!
October09~Mengidam teruk!!
November09~mula kuat makan n kuat marah haha
December09~Keeven and Jac's wedding ceremony
~celebrated Xmas at kampung:)
I dont think i can write all my '2009' memories here tapi asal ada point2 dia cukuplah kan! hehe.Anyelse?okay lah.I think thats all for now..will post more stories soon!Gudnite(^_^)!
Hello 2023!
2 years ago
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