I went to clinic dis morning for my monthly check up routine andd im glad my Hb has increased!Hehehe.Finally.Thanx to Obimin.I will continue to eat you so that my Hb will not decreased again.Haha.After finished at clinic,I went to BSN to pay some bills.The bank has not open yet,so i decided to wait until it is open.Punya sandi berdiri2 dikelilingi dengan urg2 yg aduii..sangat harum baunya semua.I almost vomit:( aduii..Exactly 9am,time sekuriti mau buka pintu,mulalah urg2 tersebut berpusu-pusu masuk.Sampai sa yang mengandung2 ni pun durang tulak2 juga.Budu kan.Ntah kenapa tiap hari BSN slalu ramai orang.Kaya suda kali urang Ranau ni.Tiap ari ambik duit seja.I met my ex-classmate there.She changed nothing.I mean masih juga friendly,tia sumbung2 even dia sekarang ada kerja bagus2 suda.Hehe.Pernah tu sa terserempak kawan yg dulu rapat gila di kadai,tp pura2 tia kanal ni.Heran.Biar seja lah kan.Hrmm,We cant predict people.
Last nite,my sis JCCa called me.We talked a lot.I told her about things that worry us.She said 'Ignore that person.One day,if that person got problem,that person will find us'.And yes,her words makes me feel relief.Hehe.
Tomorrow,Buncit will coming home.And CNY?harap2 cepat berlalu.Im not in mood to celebrate CNY rite now.Banyak 'agangau' bah kalu ramai2 urang ni.Malass.Bagus lagi pi melancong kalu ada duit.Hehe.
Okaylahh..thats all for now.Sa menunggu2 tu urg yg mau tolong pasang mesin basuh kami tp belum dtg2 lagi.Hei yer.Janji kaling ja.Rugi seja bayar minyak kalu gitu kan.Hehe.
Enough already.Bye:)
Hello 2023!
2 years ago
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