Last nite,hubby told me about something and he asked me to keep it as a secret.Its okay.I can keep secret but the problem is can i keep too many secrets in my head?Yes.There's too many secrets that i have to keep for people and sometimes i asked my self 'Can i keep secret?'OMG--->I cant guarantee that:(.I am not perfect.Huhu.I dunno why hubby always told me about someone's secret.Knowing their secret makes me feel awkward-_-.Yalah.They dont know me but i've already knew their secret.Huhu.Not good at all kan. *sigh*
That's my husband.Always keep telling me about something.Why?I dunno.When I asked him,he simply replied 'suda kawin pa mau rahsia2 oo Bie'.And im just like 'ooh..yalahh'.
Well,that's life.Its okay to know someone's dark secret.Even it is hard to keep.But I shud give a try:)
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