Well, happy birthday to me :) Nothing special just a small party with my beloved family. Another two years ahead then Im going to enter the age of 30. Hmm time flies too fast. Its okayyyy, some people make New Years resolutions. I make birthday resolutions. The more the better I guess (hehe ) Here's what I hope to accomplish in the year of 2013.
♡ Never stop learning.
In banking industries, what we needed the most is knowledge whether its about product knowledge or skills on job itself. Its all depends on me, I dont want to shut my brain off so Im going to learn and face more challenging task on this year ahead.
♡See the world.
I love to travel. I like going new places, experiencing cultures and trying new foods. Last few years I couldn't travel very much because of the kids- they're still toddler but since they have grown up, Im ready to pack my bags!
♡Be kind to others.
I experienced a situation with a person who said a few less than kind things about me behind my back. My first response was defensive until someone else pointed out to me that this kind of negative, gossip and judgement says much more about the person who spread them. They asked me to let go of my hurt and anger- try to see people in different situations and when I did it, my heart instantly softened. It was very hard on myself until I become more accepting of my own less than positive behaviour. Its a process to nurture my self and I think, its up to each of us to treat ourselves with loving kindness because then others will know we are worthy of being treat well :)
♡To be healthy
I want to take better care of this 28 years old body of mine. Perhaps I should take my meals accordingly and try to get enough sleep everyday. Hmmm still working on it :)
Well guys, there's many on my list, will share it later but anyway thanks a lot for the birthday wishes guys! God bless :)
See ya soon! Daaaa
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