Hey June! Whoaa its been awhile since my last post here.. been very buzy with life.. Work.. Many things happened, husband with his buzy work- have to work at 3 different sites at one time but still can managed his time to fetch son from school, hectic schedule at the office- since we're goin live with the new RBS system on this coming Sept, everyone is buzy preparing themselves with skills and knowledge. Gahhh!!ok ok forget about work for now. Im kinda stress hohoho. Anyway, feelin excited for our anniversary trip on this coming October.. Pasports-done, hotel-booked, tour guide has been confirmed.. So much relief now. . I cant wait to have a long vacation. Fanattt bahh karaja gingggg..
Anddd people noticed that Im getting thinner. YES I AM. Im losing weight. Tiredness is killing me- affect my appetite. *sigh. But its ok, in the end.. hard work will be paid. Have faith in God.
That's all for now.
Sleepy mode.
Bye :)
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