Happy Sunday people!
Thank God for his blessings, Im getting better now and yesh! my appetite is back to normal again ( ^__^).. Oooyeahh now I can eat whatever I like :p
Hmm I purchased some items from groupon again yesterday :p I dont know why but I think I am addicted to shop online now.. Thank God Im using debit card!
Received my sandals from Zalora last week,
Together with my Coach swingpack bag from Miss Wanie:) Thank you Wanie, they're lovely :) I cant wait for the rest, although im using this S note now, I bought new Samsung smartphone for me and husband againn replacing the old one but as my husband said ' yg satu pakai online lah nanti yg baru pakai untuk koling2' so teda hal lah byk2 phone kan? grr hehe
Anyway, We've been so busy with this BR1M 2.0 lately.. sampai we ikat tali at the counter supaya the customer pya queue tida lari.. huhu apa2 pun biar penat asal ada komisyen huhu
Wanna make passport also for the kids. Its for our vacation on October. Hope everything
See ya later guys!
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