She's grown up and now she is 18 months old- she knows how to pronounce 'daddy',how to marah his brother when the brother rebut her things, she knows her diapers very well- she knows how to get them when I asked so, whenever she feel hungry she will simply said 'momom' and 'nenen' when she wants to. It's feel great to see your child grown up in front of you, right? ahhh.. missing her already.
His brother Thetcher next year kami send dia pi Tadika Yuk Yu di Ranau dan sa berdebar2 juga plus excited ni.. pes taim anak mau masuk sekolahh.. aduii harap2 dia kuai2 la ni p skul next year nii.. kan. Semangat ni mau beli barang budak pi skul! Hehehe.
Cepatnya masa berlalu kan.. Tia sedar ni.
4 PeopLe buzZ Me:
Memang cepat ni masa blalu. my boy pun next mth 18 months suda...mesti xcited kan mau hntr anak p skola suda.:)
lawa oh ur daughter....=))
mau tau gulot dia ni manda aduiii beguling juga lah mau jaga huhu
hahaha...klu gulet tu selalu pndai....=)) *sy pun mw anak lawa* wahaha
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