At Anjung Selera.
Morning peeps!
It's Wesak people, another chance for me to get my beauty sleep back hehe.
Anyway, I am so sad I cannot get back home today, I miss the kids actually, and the daddy oso but what to do? Cuti Wesak satu ari ja n tomorrow have to keja lagi. Newayy, last Sunday, hubby brought me and Thetcher went makan2 at Anjung Selera and I ate like monster! Hubby ordered Nasi Pataya, Tomyam Seafood soup (my favourite), Satay, ABC Special... Fries.. bla bla.. Wah! Banyak oooo kan. Sa ma hubby ja berabis makan, the son pula sibuk dengan mainan baru dia. Hahaha, ketawa2 kami kasi abis dat makanan sampai jalan pun susah ni.. telampau full suda tu perut. Thanks to hubby for treating us nicely as always..
Okai, enuf about makan thing, This week will be a very tight week for us. After working hours end tomorrow, we have to attend this 'talk thingy' at Palace Hotel and another Customer Day will coming up on this Saturday. Means, I can only get back to Ranau lepas abis that acara. Huhu so I called my hubby to tell him maybe I cant go home this weekend and he goes..
' Hubby: Yala. Nanti petang Sabtu sa ambi ko a. Subuh Isnin baru sa hantar ko balik k.. kesian kami tia tejumpa ko.. '
Betul juga lo. Kesian anak2 sa huhu.. dats why mau balik juga every weekend.
Okaylah, enuf already..
Breakfast dulu!
Morning peeps!
It's Wesak people, another chance for me to get my beauty sleep back hehe.
Anyway, I am so sad I cannot get back home today, I miss the kids actually, and the daddy oso but what to do? Cuti Wesak satu ari ja n tomorrow have to keja lagi. Newayy, last Sunday, hubby brought me and Thetcher went makan2 at Anjung Selera and I ate like monster! Hubby ordered Nasi Pataya, Tomyam Seafood soup (my favourite), Satay, ABC Special... Fries.. bla bla.. Wah! Banyak oooo kan. Sa ma hubby ja berabis makan, the son pula sibuk dengan mainan baru dia. Hahaha, ketawa2 kami kasi abis dat makanan sampai jalan pun susah ni.. telampau full suda tu perut. Thanks to hubby for treating us nicely as always..
Okai, enuf about makan thing, This week will be a very tight week for us. After working hours end tomorrow, we have to attend this 'talk thingy' at Palace Hotel and another Customer Day will coming up on this Saturday. Means, I can only get back to Ranau lepas abis that acara. Huhu so I called my hubby to tell him maybe I cant go home this weekend and he goes..
' Hubby: Yala. Nanti petang Sabtu sa ambi ko a. Subuh Isnin baru sa hantar ko balik k.. kesian kami tia tejumpa ko.. '
Betul juga lo. Kesian anak2 sa huhu.. dats why mau balik juga every weekend.
Okaylah, enuf already..
Breakfast dulu!
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