#Sister wedding:)

Awww.My sister finally kahwin suda..Tia lama nanti beranak pinak macam sa.Haha.
Sis,you look gorgeous!haha Gabel says 'best wedding party ever in Tudangan'..having fun la dat nite.Sampai jam 1 pagi stil karaoke-ing,poco2-ing hehe.Apa2 pun.happy wedding day sis.
Today you are joined in marriage,
remember to always…
Be understanding of your partner’s needs.
Hold each other in the highest regard.
Have a sense of humour as you meet life’s challenges.
Honour one another when you are together or apart.
Respect each other’s differences.
Enjoy the good times, and endure the storms.
Make your dreams come true, together…
Most of all, love one another…
remember to always…
Be understanding of your partner’s needs.
Hold each other in the highest regard.
Have a sense of humour as you meet life’s challenges.
Honour one another when you are together or apart.
Respect each other’s differences.
Enjoy the good times, and endure the storms.
Make your dreams come true, together…
Most of all, love one another…
#Wedding blessings:)

From left:Dad,Mum,Aunt Saitim and Uncle Saul.
Dorang buat kejutan di church hehe.Kelakar juga nampak dorang pakai balik dat wedding dress.
Cute bah:)Hehe neway,may your bond of love be made stronger with everything you guys face;)
God bless(",)
Countdown to 2011:)
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