Lyrics | Westlife Lyrics | Unbreakable Lyrics
Auww.Miss the husband so much.This is how I express my self when I miss someone-->music makes me feel alive *haha*.I used to sang a song without knowing the meaning of its lyrics back then until one day when I sang this ~You're Beautiful~ song by James Blunt in the car confidently,hubby 'stopped' me and said..
"Bie,ko suka tu lagu?tia bagus meaning dia tu'
Me *bingung*
Andd..the other song that I sang happily at home before hubby 'stopped' me again was I Dont Love You by My Chemical Romance.Hubby was like..
"Bie,tia bagus tu lirik dia tu.Macam ko tia mau sa ja tu.."
Me * bingung* again.Haha.I told you.I love singing,I dun care about its lyrics,as long as I love the melody but it goes different to my husband.From that moment,I changed my habit.Happy song for happy mood and sad song for bad mood.Haha.
Ada satu masa when me relax2 tingu TV,husband called.
Him:Bie ko buat pa..buka Skype daa..kita video call *Sambil lagu Lumangad Oku Dika terpasang kuat di tempat dia*
Me:O ba kijap..*lol!kerinduan yg teramat la tu* haha.
Oh ya,remember this ~With You~ song by Chris Brown?Hubby loves the song so much.Hehe:P
Hey..semakin jiwang ni buncit sekarang tau.Hehe.
But when we had our fought,tiada jiwang2 suda tu aa.Haha.Trus pasang lagu broken heartt seja *kuikui*
That's my husband.Urghh cant wait to see him on dis coming June.
Lots of Love.
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