Last Saturday-went to Nabalu Lodge with family and sis BF.It was awesome,we ate steamboat sampai licin and the meals--->sooo yummy esp tu sup tomyam..tasted better than steamboat tu ari yg si Buncit bawa pi makan.Hehe.Kalo pasal makan kami mimang numbur satu punya.Hehe..


Siap makan then we went home.Huhu buzy weekend for me.Terpaksa tidur lewat prepared foods and goodies for Thet's bday party.Went to sleep around 3 A.M.Phew:(
The next day,celebrated Thetcher's bday at church.
Happy Birthday son!We loves you :)
27 March 2010

Im so glad that God gave me a Son like you.
Im so proud to have you as a Son.
I see a little more of me in you with each passing year.
No matter how many birthdays come and go, you’ll always be my little Boy.
Im so proud to have you as a Son.
I see a little more of me in you with each passing year.
No matter how many birthdays come and go, you’ll always be my little Boy.
God bless you my Dear.
Lots of Love,
~mummy and daddy~
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