Happy birthday dad.
I miss you so much.
Dearest heavenly Father, can you please hug him once for me?
Tell him that we loves him so much dear Father.
Thank you God.
♫♩♪Live for the moments that you cannot put into words ♫♩♪
Happy birthday dad.
I miss you so much.
Dearest heavenly Father, can you please hug him once for me?
Tell him that we loves him so much dear Father.
Thank you God.
It was a busy moment last week, since the Asb counter has opened, many ppl came to the bank just to update their passbook for the dividen, some of them doing withdrawal and deposit to account and believe me you have no idea how many the customer was. We even shorten our lunch time from 1 hour to 30 minutes only just to clear the crowd. It was tiring moment for us but a good income for the branch and more bonus for us actually :)
Another week coming, jia you2 for us.
Gudd nite everyone♡♥
So much to be thankful for 2012!
God, thank you for your love to us,
Thank you for your care..
Thank you for your blessings♡
Lets welcome 2013!
New year's resolutions?
Career - Extra Efforts
Family - More ♡ more blessings♡
Life - make it simple but happy
Weight - now is 48kg and I keep it maintain
Health - Good for everybody
Money - Last year was a bless. I hope this year is gonna be the same!! hehe
And last but not least..
Have faith in God. If it wasnt Him, Im not the woman Ive become today. Thank you♡♡
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