Party at the office<3
Hubby sponsored salad prawn mayonaise ( my fav) and ayam masak rendang :-D
The rest makanan opis belanja! Hehe
Anyway, thank u guys<3
You guys are sweeeet :-p
Hello 2023!
2 years ago
♫♩♪Live for the moments that you cannot put into words ♫♩♪
Party at the office<3
Hubby sponsored salad prawn mayonaise ( my fav) and ayam masak rendang :-D
The rest makanan opis belanja! Hehe
Anyway, thank u guys<3
You guys are sweeeet :-p
The best man in my life is my late dad.
Happy father's day pak.
I will always love you.
And you will always be in our heart.
Happy father's day hubby <3
You are my bestie, my understanding husband and my dearly lover. I love you with all my heart. Sorry for being mean sometimes, and thank you for your continuosly love towards me and our kids <3
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