Since the auditors are coming after this Raya, we are buzy settling down all the uncompleted vouchers, 'housekeeping' and re-doing the filing and fyi, I am updating all the filing from the month of January11 until present and u dont know how bertimbun it was! Lucky me,our Chief Cashier lend a hand juga la kiri kanan and now, I hope everything is updated suda, tiada tertinggal coz if not, tomorrow we have to stay back sampai suma benda siap dan complete :( Ohh tidak. Lambatlah pulang Ranau dis.
But its okay, if we are doing good this time hehehe adalahhhh reward dia bilang boss.. Jadi berpenat2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian. Betul Kan?
Uwaa :'( I miss my little girl so much. Even though she is verryyyy naughty and makes me moody sometimes, but hey, sepa budak tidak jajal kan? hehe
And the two heroes also. Bah hubby, as u promised kan. Jangan pura2 lupa hihihihi :P
I cant wait.
Hello 2023!
2 years ago